
Template Name Downloads Price
纸盒印刷-牛皮纸书Shopify OS 2.0 Theme 1 $44
库存照片Shopify 2.0 Theme 0 $75


Photo printing is a complex process that requires knowledge, skills, and special equipment. People prefer to visit specialized online stores where they can buy everything they need. If you sell equipment for photo printing and want to grow your business, 你需要建立一个网上商店. Creating an eCommerce website from scratch is very challenging. 有必要考虑许多方面. Luckily, platforms like Shopify make the whole process easier. To make the online store building even simpler, consider using photo lab Shopify templates. 我们的主题带有许多有用的功能, 你可以很容易地创建一个现代的, 吸引人的网上商店.

Shopify照片打印主题-功能 & 特征


  • Ajax cart - this feature allows clients to add and remove items from the cart without visiting a separate page.
  • Image with text overlay - you can easily add text on top of an image without using image editing software.
  • Banners - it is a great way to provide people with extra information.
  • Gallery - demonstrate what people can buy in your online store.
  • Visual page builder compatibility - you can modify the style by using the visual page builder. 它使设计编辑快速和容易. It is a perfect option for people who want to avoid editing the code.
  • Social media integration - promote your online store using social media. It is a perfect option to increase the number of visitors and potential clients.
  • Search form - it will help people find the necessary item.
  • Google Maps - demonstrate where people can find your store.
  • Official Shopify applications compatible - you may use all official Shopify applications without having any issues with compatibility.
  • Megamenu - you can easily add simple and complex menus that include several submenus.
  • Retina display compatible - all visual elements look clean on screens that have high pixel density.
  • Google Fonts, parallax, detailed documentation, multiple currencies support, etc.

Who Can Benefit From Photo Lab Shopify Store Creation

Templates are a great option for people who want to build a modern, user-friendly online store fast. Themes come with numerous useful elements that you can combine to achieve the desired result. Our photo lab Shopify templates are ideal if you create an online store that sells equipment for photo printing. 您可以销售以下产品:

  • Printers.
  • Inks.
  • 图像编辑软件.
  • Paper, etc.

Templateog体育首页's themes are also great for companies or individuals that provide photography-related services. 除了提供摄影打印服务, 你也可以帮助别人修图, 色彩校正, cropping, etc. The versatility of templates provides you with unlimited possibilities. 你也可以很容易地达到理想的外观. It is possible to create a simple and elegant website. At the same time, you can create a website that includes numerous buttons and menus.

How to Create a Successful Online Business with Shopify Photo Printing Themes

It is necessary to choose the template that will be the basis for your project. Please use the panel on the left to make the searching process faster.

  • Choose a color, user rating, features, color, style, price range, and other options.
  • 打开产品页面了解更多信息. You can read a description, check out the screenshots and the list of features.
  • Add it to the cart, checkout, and download the template.
  • 安装并激活主题.
  • 添加您的内容,如文本,图像,视频等.
  • 确保你的网站没有问题. 所有链接、按钮和菜单都应该正常工作.
  • 要特别注意内容质量. 不应有错别字、劣质图片等.

Making your online store successful is challenging, especially if you have many competitors. You should make sure that your online shop is easy to use and every client can buy what they need. It may be a good idea to add sorting options and filters.

促销对网上商店来说很重要. It would be great to have a blog with interesting articles. If you add SEO text, then your website will be easier to find via search engines. 这可能是你胜过竞争对手的一大优势.



一个主题已经包含了许多有用的组件. 您不需要下载任何额外的文件. You do not need to work on the layout deciding where to place various visual elements. At the same time, every template provides you with unlimited customization options.


Free products may lack the necessary features, and you may not achieve the desired result. Such templates are good for small online stores when you do not need many advanced features.


Our templates come with detailed documentation that includes important information. Most of our templates are compatible with visual page builders. 它使编辑过程更容易.

Can I create a multilingual online store using photo lab Shopify themes?

请查看该产品的功能列表. Most of our themes allow you to create a website that supports several languages.

Top Collection of Shopify Photo Lab eCommerce Themes 2024 for Your Stores

Watch a helpful video with the hottest photo printing designs for your Shopify store. 为摄影专家找一个完美的主题, photo studios, labs projects, 并使其盈利,以响应, SEO-friendly, 和完全成熟的专业主题布局.